Sunday, June 26, 2011

WS: "I Will..." and "Will You...?" 2nd G JHS

This is a vastly improved version of a classic ALT activity involving a plane crash and subsequent escape from the jungle.

The original can be found in various places and guises, including this one here. It invariably looks 40 years old, so I spent the last half an hour making it more modern.

And here it is. You can use it for both the regular "I will..." form, and the question form.

1. "I Will..."
As you can see, I gave it an amusing backstory of traveling to England to punch David Beckham in the face. you can change this if you want, but it's not relevant. The plane crashes and everyone else died. They must fight their way out of the Burmese rainforest Rambo style.

The activity lasts about 30 mins and goes like this:

  • Explain.
  • The first sheet has a load of items which are remnants of the plane crash. Students must select six items which they think will be the most useful/humourous for them to take with them.
  • On sheet two they write the sentence for their item e.g. "I will take a torch" and, why.
    • NB: Usually students have not yet studied the "to (verb)" form e.g. "to fight a gorilla". I usually just let them to it anyway, because it's simple enough for them to just use it straight away. However, a teacher once asked me to let students write that part in Japanese. So check fist.
2. "Will you..?"

In order to use the question form, I play the second sheet like bingo:

  • When all students have finished the sheet, they stand up, make pairs and janken.
  • The winner asks "Will you take an AK47?" etc. 
    • They ask about the items which they themselves have chosen. If the answers match their own, then can tick that item off their list.
    • Tick off all the items and you can sit down.
That's it. If you try it, let us know how it goes.


  1. I really like this game.
    I tell my students they are going to Sumatra to save the Sumatran Tiger (this chapter is about them disappearing) and this is slightly less weird than punching David Beckahm...

    I also tell them I know what they need to survive. If they pick the same 6 items as me, they WILL survive, if they have 5, maybe, 2 or 1, oh dear, and 0 they WILL die...not like I am trying to kill off my students or anything.

  2. Brilliant....
    Perhaps it can be adapted for survival of a boring grammar lesson ...!

  3. OK OK - what are the 6 that will actually ensure survival?!

  4. Thanks Laura, I do that, too. I pick them at random if I can think of a funny reason (take the knife to cut up the dead cow etc)

  5. My worksheet is actually a little different to Dom's.

    My 6 items are:
    a notebook and a pen. - To write a message
    a dog - to take the message and get help
    An umbrella - To use as a shelter
    a bat - To use as a weapon (the knife is blunt, the gun has no bullets)
    A mirror - To reflect light to tell the rescuers where you are!
