These two are crosswords for 2nd and 3rd graders. The second grade one covers vocab and grammar up until about mid-October (chapter 6) for New Crown, and the 3rd grade one is a review of past tenses, including present perfect forms.
Just like with wordsearches the kids love these and get really into them. Expect to fill 15-20 minutes.
Just in case you are completely dumbstruck and don't know what a crossword is, the students must choose the right form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence, and write it on the numbered grid in the direction indicated.
Without further ado, here they are:
2nd grade October review
3rd grade past tense/present perfect review
If you use them or have any other comments or suggestions, please tell us in the box below. Feel free to use these in your classes, but as with all our sheets here, don't redistribute.
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